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2 points to consider when dropping body fat.

Point 1.

Over dieting - too much cardio and not enough food will cause problems in your fat loss journey!

Yes, eating very little and hammering your cardio will absolutely make you drop weight - however it’s likely you’re going to lose muscle very quickly if you’re in an “aggressive” deficit (i’ve mentioned this before), so this weight loss will not be fat, but the majority muscle tissue!

If we are dropping weight from lean muscle tissue you can be sure you’re going to sacrifice size and shape, it’s also going to make things a lot harder from a “fat loss” potential - the more muscle we retain the more calories we will burn.

Muscle tissue provides strength for our metabolic activity, so bottom line - we need to retain and maintain muscle tissue!

Point 2.

Sub Standard Performance.

Over dieting, lack of food = lack of energy, and a lack of energy will lead to substandard performances in the gym! Due to an aggressive stance on your diet and without the energy required to maintain intensity / strength your gym sessions will inevitably suffer BIG TIME. Without the energy you once had you’ll start to lift less weight, your intensity in you conditioning will drop and you’ll struggle to burn energy (calories) like you once did !

Food provides you with the fuel to maintain your strength and intensity to make sure each and every session in the gym counts!


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