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3 Ways to get more Protein into your diet !

We all might struggle to get enough protein into our diets (just like the picture at the bottom), but here are a few other ways which might help.

Fruit Smoothies 

In order to get the benefits of wholesome natural food yet have the convenience of something quick you can make your own fruit smoothie with a blender. You always have to consider your macros and calorie intake as with any other meal, however provided you're factoring this in and consuming the right nutrients at the right time you can make some great tasting smoothies which are also high in protein.

Using ingredients such as low fat natural yogurt along with added protein powder you can easily achieve 30-50g per serving. Adding berries, banana and oats is something I like to do and potentially some flaxseed for added fibre and EFAs (essential fatty acids - They are essential because your body cannot produce them on its own so they must come from your diet. The two primary EFAs are known as linoleic acid (omega-6) and alpha-linolenic acid (omega-3) - food sources such as fish, nuts etc are good sources).

Egg Whites 

Egg whites give you 3g of protein each and are relatively flavourless. Therefore if you add them to things like your rice when cooking it increases your protein intake and as a result means you can consume slightly less meat to get your protein requirements for that meal. There are no other calories in egg whites from fat/carbs either which means this is a great way of increasing protein whilst keeping calories low. 

Protein Powder

The most obvious choice is using a high quality time released protein during the day/before bed along with a fast digesting whey isolate after training. However, I would only recommend you to use 2 protein shakes per day (if you’re struggling to get your protein up)! I DO NOT want to see you getting into the habit of using too much powder in place of solid wholesome food. Ultimately your food is where you get natural digestive enzymes, micronutrients and trace elements from (PLEASE REMEMBER THIS POINT).

These points are here to HELP, rather than replace your regular meals.


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