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I’ve had my fair share of injuries over the years, a lot of stitches here, there and everywhere and also some absolutely fantastic broken bones - one thing that wasn’t particularly nice was a fracture in my back gained when sparring for an up and coming title fight.

It was totally innocent and I can remember it happening - mid clinch, thrown and I took a knee at the same time, I knew instantly something was not quite right! From that point on I was basically out injured for over a year, and the only exercise I could muster after several months of rest was the static bike !! (M

If I’m honest my back probably hasn’t been the same since and I do at times have niggles and injuries (back / neck related) that can put me out for a week or two at a time, I’m pretty safe in what I do but there’s always something unexpected that can arise!

Anyone with lower back pain will tell you it can detract from your quality of life massively, for those of us that lift or if its gym related and you find your lower back aching during certain lifts or if you feel it engages or gets pumped too early try the following which could possibly help quite a bit.


These are very much neglected in the gym by a vast majority of people, yet they are so important and if they are weak your back will take the load that they should be taking! Example - picture this, I bet you have done it or you’ve seen this in the gym.

Lying leg curl - hips raise in the air ……….. once this happens your lower back is recruited, your hamstrings simply aren’t strong enough to take the load, you’ll possibly find with this your lower back will start to burn, or get achy. Lighten the weight and reset - start over and build from the ground up. Add in extra work - Stiff Legged Deads, Swiss ball Hamstring Curls, RDL’s etc etc - vary your line of approach to your hamstring development which in turn could strengthen or help to reduce lower back problems.

Work That BUTT !

Activation of the Glutes, this is something a lot of people are poor at - and you should remember that your glutes are one of the strongest muscles given to you! Try and activate your glutes first on exercises that are weight bearing to your lower back - before doing an RDL squeeze those buns as HARD as you can, thus you’ll have more hip control and you won’t work through a ‘back extension’ and you’ll avoid over straining your erectors.

Stretch / Roll / Stretch / Roll !!

ALWAYS, ALWAYS overlooked - stretching and rolling is the last thing on the majority of peoples minds before, during or after their session is completed. Example, if your Hip Flexors are too tight it’ll cause your pelvis to become titled - and if your glutes are weak then more likely than not you’ll have a sore lower back!

For those of you that sit in a car, desk, or are idle for a large portion of the day you should really make stretching and rolling an important aspect of your weekly routine. Stretch you flexors daily and it’ll help to reduce the tension in these areas, majority of people are tight / inflexible through the hips - FACT !


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