Starting a fat loss journey, or regaining a focus to seriously look at your current “diet” (eating habits) people tend to start from a point of panic - they don’t realise how much fat they have to lose and start with too little food and more than likely too much cardio based training and end up crashing - thus their journey becomes short lived as fat loss becomes stalled, or quickly plateaus.
Even if you have a well structured diet you can still plateau!

One point to consider which I’ve spoken to with a few of my online team last week is - It all depends where your start point is from! You can still have a very thorough and well structured diet BUT if you “over diet” and you’ve started too low you’ve no room to move. You might get some early results - but they will be early and short lived.
Start higher and give yourself longer, don’t make it harder than it needs to be - weight loss on the scales when you over diet will come from glycogen depletion and muscle loss - NOT FAT!
Looking forward to a solid week with the team - we have the structure in place, all we need to do is show up. If you’re lacking direction drop me a message if you want to jump onto my team,.
Have a strong week everyone.