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If I stop drinking alcohol will I build more muscle ?

We work hard, we train hard - so we deserve a drink if we want to have one - right ?

I do enjoy a red wine, or a Guinness at the weekends - I don’t see anything wrong with this and its my choice to do so, moderation is the key word however!

Lockdown has brought its vices and alcohol has certainly been one for many - question is if you stop drinking alcohol will you be able to build more muscle / drop more body fat, and have a higher level of overall condition ?

Short answer - yes !

As with anything too much overindulgence will be detrimental to your goal - if that goal is to have a physique and high level of condition you’re proud of.

For example - if you have a drink 4 nights of the week, say Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday or Thursday through to Sunday - essentially well over 50% of your week you’re having a drink!

Having a couple of drinks once a week, or at infrequent times won’t be such an issue - but to attain a “physique” to build muscle, to drop body fat or to really increase your level of athletic condition & performance then alcohol can’t remain a “weekly” part of your lifestyle.

There are several reason why, some very obvious - the increase in weekly empty calories, the questionable decision making with snacking or foods the next day, under performing in the gym or in your workouts for several days later, but here are a few more.

  • Alcohol has the potential to disrupt testosterone health by being "pro-estrogenic" - retaining fat, guys think about Moobs, i’ll touch on this in another post - there are certain foods which help to combat this, and a supplement called DIM, but we’ll get to that again.

  • Alcohol is generally pro-inflammatory which is NOT good for recovery, digestion or performance.

  • Alcohol can raise toxin levels with the body which again is not going to help with recovery or general health.

So if you’re blunt and brutally honest with yourself - IF you’ve a certain goal you want to achieve and attain, then why on earth are you drinking so much during the week.

And - I’m in no way judging anyone, I’m simply pointing out that you have a decision to make IF you have a goal !


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