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Ketosis is a safeguard mechanism against starvation, so why put yourself in that "position"!

Ian Young

Our bodies don’t really want to be in ketosis - and if you’re PT or coach puts you on a ketosis diet then ask them WHY, I’m pretty sure the reply will be “so your body can burn fat / fuel”!

Shocker - your body doesn’t need to be ketosis to burn fat, in fact you could eat 500g of carbs per day and still use fat for fuel, true story!

I think many don’t fully understand the purpose of ketosis is a safeguard mechanism against starvation when energy intake is insufficient, in light of that we really shouldn’t be there and our bodies really don’t want us in this “state”.

Technical jargon coming up;

Our bodies main energy system is glycolysis and fat oxidation, it’s not ketosis.

Study after study shows during intense activity our work capacity decreases when being in a prolonged ketogenic state or / and on a ketogenic diet. Ketosis is not optimal for us for long term use and you can expect your workouts / performance to suffer for it.

I’m not saying being on a ketosis diet you won’t burn fat, yes you will - but as I said above true ketosis is our bodies safety blanket, in the short term it may work and be beneficial for you to burn fat, but it’s not a long term solution and one that may lead to quite few health problems if sustained for long periods.

Take home - ketosis can work to burn fat, but it’s not a long term solution and it's not our bodies "preferred" choice for an energy system.


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