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Life Truths

Motivation is not always there.

You will want to give up.

People will judge you

There will be roadblocks

Self-doubt will creep in.

None of the above matters - keep going.

You won’t always feel motivated - you’ll maybe want to quit, and several times at that ! Starting to eat cleaner, tidying your diet up and exercises more frequently you’ll receive comments from friends, family and work colleagues - I know this has happened to many, and I’ve been on the end of few comments myself.

In trying to build my business further I’ve had to change a few things, and people will judge - they see a “change in behaviour” - even though this is a positive decision and step in the right direction I still get the naysayers, and I bet you have at some point in your life as well, or possibly will have in the future.

In all cases you have to block it out, they are passing judgement as they know you’re doing the things they should be doing in order for them to reach their full potential.

In life, there will be roadblocks - thats a given, with these roadblocks self doubt may creep in and test your focus - remain focused and take action, action leads to motivation and confidence, and with this self doubt will evaporate.

Just a few points to ponder, again read the below - and let it sink in !

Motivation is not always there.

You will want to give up.

People will judge you

There will be roadblocks

Self-doubt will creep in.



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