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Maybe you NEED to read this !

Ian Young

We’re barely into 2023 and I see many have already given up before they’ve even really started !

Some appear to put this huge emphasis and hope on the New Year being a pivotal point which will magical transform their next 12 months, both with mental growth and physical growth !

In reality you won’t achieve anything unless your mindset is right and you have the consistent discipline to see it through, you have to be able to “Rinse & Repeat” !

And the great thing about all of this is - you don’t need a new year to start, you don’t need a specific “date” to start - YOU JUST NEED TO START!

So if you haven’t started don’t worry about it, or if you have and are failing already - don’t worry, you can review what has possibly made you to fail, reset and restart.

You don’t need to feel ready, “I’ll start next week, I’ll be ready by then” - that’s a lie, you may never feel “ready”, there is no perfect time, no ideal time to start - YOU JUST HAVE TO START. Alas there is many an excuse to delay, put off, or just to wait a little longer.

This bit will sound boring, but it really is this simple ! If you want to see change then you’ve got to be able to Rinse and Repeat - this means doing over and over the things that will allow you to get to your goal, building good habits and consistently delivering them on a daily basis.

It’s all down to YOU!

  • No one is going to get you out of bed.

  • No one is going to make you workout.

  • No one is going to stop you from eating absolute garbage.

  • No one is going to say to you go to bed a little earlier to get a better nights sleep.

  • No one is going to tell you stop scrolling for hours through social media.

  • No one is going to tell you to maybe cut back on the midweek (secret) drinking to make yourself feel better that you’re possibly not a functioning alcoholic or on the verge of it.

  • No one is going to

  • No one is going to

No one is going to …………. this list could go on and on.

I’m thankful we’ve started 2023 on the right footing and each one of my team has a plan in place, they have a FULL schedule with workouts and that is one “less hassle” for them.

Sometimes not understanding or simply knowing what works / what doesn’t work, and a lack of guidance can cause anxiety and with this many give up or simply “tread water” for months seeing little to no improvements.

We have our schedule set for the next few months - we know what times the Live Sessions are at and if we miss them the On Demand Library is there to catch up on any session my team may have missed.

If you feel this would help you, or if you’d like to chat about any part of your training / health / well being then drop me a message or click this link for a 7 day FREE trial

……. you never known it could be the best thing you do on 2023 !



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