One year ago, the last Thursday before lockdown!

This was our last group session and by this stage numbers had dramatically dropped, people were getting nervous around each other and there was an anxious feeling in the air of the impending devastation which the rest of Europe and the Far East were going through. It was getting VERY REAL and it was on it’s way to our doorstep.
It’s hard to take in where that year has gone and i’m sitting here arguably thinking “that’s the quickest year of my life” - gone!
Millions have lost jobs, businesses have gone to the wall and many are suffering, our financial health has taken a beating and even more so has our mental health!
We’ll certainly not forget the last 12 months !
BUT one thing which has shone through time and time again and will continue to shine through is the resilience of people and I feel so blessed to have witnessed this with my team.
I’ve watched people grow every single day, week by week, month by month and they’ve been able to withstand the chaos of this lockdown (I’ve actually lost count of how many we have had now - must be 3 or 4!).
Look at yourself and realise you’re stronger than what you think you are, with all the factors way beyond our control we have remained resilient in these tough times.
Being resilient isn’t a trait that we either have or don’t have, its set of skills in which we hone and mould to make sure as an individual we persevere through tough and challenging times.
A major point I will be taking from the last year is knowing we all have the capacity to adapt. I’m not nor will ever say it’s been easy - it has tested every single one of us, but yet here we are 12 months later still adapting - each and every one of us and for that you must take a huge positive from it.
I truly hope when we get back to “normal” or the “new norm” we keep the lessons we’ve learned in the last year. Spending more time with our families, spending more time outdoors appreciating the world and what it has to offer a little more and showing more gratitude towards that.
Pre pandemic - we were so impulsive, always on the go, too many distractions and maybe trying to too hard to please people we didn’t actually need to please.
Ultimately it’ll come down to choice, will you choose to go back to that impulsive life or will you intentionally become more aware of your time, spending more time with family and friends (not just your so called “friends” you feel you need to be seen with on Social Media!), more time outdoors, more time looking after yourself physically, mentally, socially and spiritually.
"Remember - no matter what, we all have the capacity to adapt".
I miss the big team circuits. Bring back those days please!
Sometimes I think your psychic... you really do know the right thing to say at the right time. Love this ❤️