January is a big focus for me, and I know it is for many - for me I need to have routine and structure in my life and to a certain extent that went out the window over the festive season.
I’m not happy with my current condition - and this is an individual thing, we all have our own journey, we all have our own goals and at the minute i’m simply not happy with my current condition.
Life can and does get in the way, and it’s good to maintain the discipline to at least exercise or be active on a daily basis, if we didn’t, or indeed if I didn’t it would be a lot worse. I’ve always put weight on very quickly, even at a young age - and it’ll pile on quite fast around my middle, sides and lower back.
My mindset is ok with this - yes I’m unhappy and I can understand as to why i’m unhappy with myself and I know I can get this back in control. The workload in the last 10-12 weeks has been immense, I’ve found myself stressed at times trying to get my new members site up and running and I’m thankful we are 90% there, but the road to has this changed many times and the format of the site changed but i’m happy where it is now and I know there will be a lot of great content for members to help them with every aspect of their health.
My daily activity almost remain unaltered, I was disciplined enough to make sure it was done - BUT I found my diet, sleep, water intake etc all went somewhat wayward, I was doing basically all nighters on the site, maybe getting 2hrs to 90 minutes sleep getting up and doing 2 or sometimes 3 sessions that day! That simply does not work - my body already stressed through lack of sleep, stressed through workload so my cortisol levels were already high and then I added in exercise, this simply makes it worse and my levels I guess went through the roof - at this point our bodies ability to burn fat is suppressed to the point it won’t !
I wasn’t fuelling my body correctly, often eating at erratic times, and possibly grabbing the quick fixes way too many times, my water intake dropped through the floor - I simply sat on the laptop for hours on end, and lost sight of my health I think !
I’m completely empathise with anyone that has periods of life that or manic like that, and the only thing that was “damage limitation” was the activity levels, helped to keep the damage at bay and also helped my mindset as well.
Now that the work on the site is almost at completion this will be one area that I can get relief from and get my sleep pattern back - sleep IS ONE OF THE MOST UNDERRATED ASPECTS OF OUR HEALTH - trust me on this, and if you are getting minimal rest / sleep this will really hamper your bodies ability to burn fat.
So - not to totally overhaul everything in one go, for this month my goals are simply this;
1. Get my sleep pattern back in track.
2. Get my water intake back up to 4ltrs + per day.
3. Get my protein intake increased back up to where it was - aiming for 1.1g per pound of bodyweight.
Thats enough for the first weeks but I know even these small changes will make a HUGE difference.
In terms of the Protein amount - Protein is the single most important nutrient for fat loss!
I weigh 13st 4lb, so 186lb - and if I’m aiming to get 1.1g protein in per pound of bodyweight then I need to be getting in 204.6g Protein per day. For Fat Loss between 1.1-1.3g per pound of bodyweight is a general rule of thumb, however this may differ for certain individuals.
I started this morning after working out with an Omelette - 6 whites and 2 yokes, so I used 2 full eggs then added in 4 egg whites from this little carton, life saver and no wastage of any yokes!

So i’m off to a good start - approx 30g protein at breakfast in a quick, easy and simple dish, make it more interesting adding in red onion, spinach, mushrooms etc.
If you’re like me and are looking to “lean in” a bit then make small changes, don’t completely overhaul your lifestyle in one day - because it won’t last !