"Which exercise burns the most belly fat"?
The most effective exercise to burn stomach fat is crunches. Crunches rank top when we talk of fat-burning exercises. You can start by lying down flat with your knees bent and your feet on the ground.
NOTE - the above is NOT a statement I made, nor would I EVER make - If you EVER hear me say anything of the sort please feel free to slap me several times !! This is just some of crazy things you read and find on Google and people post about on social media!
If only it was as simple as just doing a few crunches a few times a week, exercise is arguably the smallest part of it.
We all have a “6 pack” - it is there, just some can see it and others can’t, but believe me its there!
There are few other factors other than exercise which require attention if you are aiming to drop body fat - not just from your stomach (remember you can’t solely target a certain area to reduce body fat - it doesn’t work that way) but from your body in general.

These are some of my “go to” points if you’re seriously looking to reduce body fat;
Get a decent night and consistent sleep each night - 5/6 hours isn’t going to cut it. Sleep is probably one of thee most underrated health benefits we have, improved recovery, improved mood and increase in general well being, and can also lead to a better sex life …… “awww i’m too tired” , studies point that impaired / poor sleep patterns can have a direct link to lower testosterone levels in men! (This doesn’t mean you need to go to bed at 7pm each night!!!).
Make sure you are getting enough protein in your diet - when you’re dropping body fat it is essential to maintain and preserve as much muscle tissue as possible, the more lean tissue you have the more calories you’ll actually burn.
Make sure you’re on top of your fibre intake, I would go for 20g Female and 25g Male per day. Sufficient dietary fibre is essential for optimal digestion, general health, sustaining energy levels and helping to keep our gut a well oiled machine!
Supplementation - make sure you are taking Omega 3 Fish Oils, Vitamins E and B to ensure you're getting adequate amounts can help reduce estrogen levels. A lack of these vitamins has been associated with higher estrogen levels - belly fat, moobs (men)
Alcohol - sadly if you feel you can drink wine, beer, gin and cocktails 2/3 times a week and have a 6 pack then you’re mistaken, excess alcohol consumption will have a detrimental effect on your midriff and shedding body fat in general.
And we also have to exercise, move and be active - lift weights and don’t be afraid to lift weights (male and female - especially female). Maintain and preserve muscle tissue as much as possible.
It’s not rocket science and it may not be easy - discipline, focus and consistency are required - but doing just one of the items on this list won’t have a big effect on its own, but collectively change will happen.
You may have to adjust your lifestyle somewhat and start to incorporate more of the above methods to see long lasting results - BUT you can 100% do it!
If you are struggling to get started and need some help please feel free to send me a message, i'd love to help you.
Any questions on this subject please ask.