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Zero Calorie Drinks - Consider your longterm health implications !

I know when people diet they naturally crave certain things, I know this only too well having to weigh in for fights at 10st 10lb (I walk around at 13st 2lb)!

I completely understand and empathise with you on this, HOWEVER it pains me to see people constantly drinking “zero” calorie drinks during the day, or pre workouts etc believing this is doing them good.

Listen, having a few of these drinks a week isn’t going to impact on your fat loss goals and will help to reduce cravings - it might help you stay more disciplined and to stay clear of high calorie sugary / simple carb type foods !

BUT - it has its place in small amounts !

For me having them every single day is NOT a good idea, yes they may have zero calories BUT I want you to consider what type of impact this has on your gut.

I have seen people convince themselves as it is calorie free, they can drink as much as they want, and they always develop gut issues!

If 2-3 times a week you have a small glass of a zero calorie drink or snack, just to keep cravings away, then cool! But, if it becomes part of your daily routine then I would seriously ask you to consider the longterm health implications this could have on your gut health !

Just a point to consider


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